Tax Planning

  • Late Innings of Tax Reform

    As we begin the final two calendar months of the year, individuals and families start to wrap up their financial year.
  • Countdown to Tax Deadline and Potential Tax Reform

    Most Americans have recently completed or are in the process of completing the annual chore of submitting their individual income tax returns to the appropriate government entities. No matter your current economic situation, many people find this a complicating and confusing process. By the time the returns are filed, exhaustion has most likely set in.…
  • Protecting Yourself From Tax Scams

    Here at McCarthy Grittinger Financial Group we understand that tax season can be a stressful time of year. It's annoying and, for many, expensive. But despite its unpopularity, some people are determined to make it even worse: tax scammers. Wherever there is money, there is someone willing to steal it. Tax season provides thieves with…
  • Tis The Season for Lists

    'Tis the season to review lists that we made either at the beginning of the year or at the beginning of the holiday season (and maybe even check them twice if you are like Santa). Lists are a great tool for many things. They give us a goal. They keep us focused. They give us…