Portfolio Management

  • The Stock Market and Presidential Elections

    Dear Valued Clients and Friends: Every four years we field questions about the possible effect of a presidential election on stock returns. This is understandable as presidential elections tend to bring out uncertainties that fuel discussions and this year's election holds far more uncertainty than the norm. So, with the election a few short weeks…
  • Summer Road Trips: Microcosm of Our Financial Lives

    Summer road trips have been a tradition for families across the country for many generations. They have changed over time with updated technology (i.e. cars, GPS, lodging, etc.), but the basic concepts of seeing something new while also possibly visiting distant family remain the same. To make this once a year event successful requires extensive…
  • How Not to Be Wrong and Helicopter Money

    Hopefully, everyone has been enjoying their summer. Here in Wisconsin, similar to the recent stock market increase in July, our temperatures have recently hit the high mark for the year-to-date. However, the path for both the temperature and investments has not been on a linear path. This newsletter addresses how these non-linear paths are important…
  • Predictions and Investor Psychology

    "We really can't forecast all that well, and yet we pretend that we can, but really can't." -Alan Greenspan "In order to be successful, an investor has to understand not just finance, accounting, and economics, but also psychology" - Howard Marks, Co-Chairman Oaktree Capital Predictions and Investor Psychology As we put together our 2016 outlook…
  • Tis The Season for Lists

    'Tis the season to review lists that we made either at the beginning of the year or at the beginning of the holiday season (and maybe even check them twice if you are like Santa). Lists are a great tool for many things. They give us a goal. They keep us focused. They give us…
  • Season of Change

    "October. This is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks. The others areJuly, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August, and February." - Mark Twain It has been told that Mark Twain was a terrible investor and the reason being that he ended up gaining knowledge through his own poor…
  • Stay Calm and Carry On

    Benjamin Graham, called the father of fundamental investing, said "in the short run the market is a voting machine; in the long run, it is a weighing machine." A dilemma investors seem to face today is that the 'short run' seems to be more like the 'long run'. We are particularly aware of the emotions…
  • Our Perspective On Recent Market Volatility

    In this stock market turmoil, we want to assure you that Your Anxiety Removal Team® is here for you. We are monitoring events and the markets and pledge to keep you informed. We have been through these volatile storms in the past and will survive again. As your financial advisor, we care deeply about your…