
  • Investing Thoughts

    We have spoken with many business owners throughout this pandemic. One thing is certain. Change is happening. Businesses are rolling up their sleeves and adjusting quickly to recent events. Unfortunately, there will be companies that do not survive or will be a relic of their previous self. Others will not only survive but will get…
  • Volatile Markets: Don’t Rely on Headlines for Guidance on When to Invest

    Falling markets and drastic headlines can tempt individuals to abandon their long-term investing plans. Their thinking might go something like, let's wait until it's over, hoping to catch the market at its lowest point before buying in. Or in rising markets, maybe they seek to sell most of their holdings near the peak. However, timing…
  • Seen your Shadow?

    Every year in February, the public anxiously watches on Groundhog’s Day as Punxsutawney Phil (yes the groundhog) tries to find his shadow. If he sees it, then six more weeks of winter are ahead of us. If he can’t see his shadow, then early spring awaits. As you would expect, the groundhog’s record of predictability…
  • Coronavirus tax relief

    On March 27th, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) was signed into law in order to help deal with the pandemic. Given the short time from drafting to passage, there are still many details being ironed out regarding implementation.
  • Our Response to Stay-at-Home order

    Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers has issued a stay-at-home order to Wisconsinites to fend off the coronavirus outbreak that is ravaging populations worldwide. The governor’s order will require nearly all workers in our state to work remotely and goes into effect on Wednesday March 25, 2020 at 8 AM and last 30 days.
  • Fear is Normal

    “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” – Nelson Mandela
  • Mr. Market

    No one can predict the short-term future with much accuracy. The last few days are just another example. How quickly life can change for the whole world. To put this into context, during the last five trading days, we had the three worst and two best trading days we have seen in the last ten…
  • Office Update and Service Continuity

    The market turmoil continues as the country grapples with the COVID-19 outbreak and institutions take additional precautions and focus on business continuity plans.
  • Stock Market Moves

    A big “point” drop in the stock market today. The newspapers will have big headlines of “DJIA Drops 1,031 Points” in the morning. Many news sources already have it on the top of their webpages. People who never talk about the stock market will begin talking about it.
  • Learn About Caring For An Elderly Parent

    At some point in life, nearly everyone will require at least some help with the challenges of daily living. This guide is designed to help you become familiar with the common eldercare issues, as well as the care options available for an aging parent, spouse, or other loved one.