
  • Is Supply Chain Going Back to 2019?

    Time is asymmetrical and flows in only one direction: forward. British astrophysicist, Arthur Eddington, developed this concept of “one-way” direction. He illustrated this concept by using an arrow. If by following the arrow you see more randomness, the arrow is pointed towards the future. If the arrow becomes less random, the arrow is pointed towards…
  • Community

    Community is an important part of our everyday living. However, the definition of community is different for everyone. In addition, communities change as we move through our lives.
  • A New Year

    Life in a pandemic is different. No matter your personal situation, life has been forced to change. Things we thought were important last January turned out to be somewhat inconsequential. Unfortunately, life does not come with a standard script that we all must follow.
  • Together

    People like certainty and they will go to great lengths to get it. During their "certainty" quest, people will come across many theories. All too often these theories are traps. These theories provide solutions when in fact there might not be one.
  • Chasing the Puck

    Investing is a constantly moving thing. Yesterday’s news is forgotten fast. What was important then is now quickly removed from the front page. Guessing the next big thing is a draw for many people and the news companies know that. Everyone seems to be in a hurry to get somewhere quickly.
  • Stock Markets and Elections

    We are less than three months away from another US Presidential and Congressional election. Much ink will be spilled (or data sent throughout the internet) regarding what the future will look like after Tuesday, November 3rd.
  • Office Update

    Our team continues to operate remotely. Hard to believe we have been doing this for four months! Similar to many other businesses, we have learned to adapt to this new world. A big thank you to our valued clients for being able to adapt as well. We are anxious to get back to seeing everyone.
  • 2020 Second Quarter Commentary

    This report features world capital market performance and a timeline of events for the past quarter. It begins with a global overview, then features the returns of stock and bond asset classes in the US and international markets. The report also illustrates the impact of globally diversified portfolios and features a quarterly topic.
  • Volatile Markets: Don’t Rely on Headlines for Guidance on When to Invest

    Falling markets and drastic headlines can tempt individuals to abandon their long-term investing plans. Their Thinking might go something like, let's wait until it's over, hoping to catch the market at its lowest point before buying in. Or in rising markets, maybe they seek to sell most of their holdings near the peak. However, timing…
  • Range of Uncertainty

    We continue to see much uncertainty in how the pandemic is going to end. Even though this is contrary to what the news might have you believe, this is to be expected. People have guesses, but no one really knows with a great amount of certainty.