Client Communications

  • 2018 Second Quarter Market Commentary

    This report features world capital market performance and a timeline of events for the past quarter. It begins with a global overview, then features the returns of stock and bond asset classes in the US and international markets. The report also illustrates the impact of globally diversified portfolios and features a quarterly topic.
  • Investor Values

    "Purpose of the margin of safety is to render the forecast unnecessary." - Ben Graham
  • Wisconsin Child Tax Rebate

    For families with children under age of 18 as of December 31, 2017, the sate of Wisconsin is giving parents $100 for each child.
  • Tax Bunching

    We Americans are a giving people. For 2016, $390 billion was donated to charity. Individuals (as opposed to foundations and corporations) donated $282 billion of the $390 billion (72%).
  • Now and Then

    Markets have been up and down this year, which can be hard for many investors to live with. During periods like these, hearing stories about how other people deal with uncertainty can be helpful.
  • New Client Portal

    Please read about our New Client Portal! The attached message was sent in Mid-March, with the New Client Portal emails sent a few days after that. If you have not established access to the New Client Portal and would like to do so, please contact our office.
  • Back to the January Start

    The investing world always presents us with moments of “Firsts”.  The news media is great at highlighting the first time the market did this or did that.  However, they leave out much of the context.
  • 2018 Forecasts

    “The general is well aware that your division’s forecasts are worthless. However, they are required for planning purposes.” Kenneth Arrow, a Nobel Memorial Prize winner in 1972 who recently passed away in 2017, began his career in the Weather Division of the Army Air Force during World War II. His division was in charge of…
  • 2017 Market Review

    At the beginning of 2017, a common view among money managers and analysts was that the financial markets would not repeat their strong returns from 2016. Many cited the uncertain global economy, political turmoil in the US, implementation of Brexit, conflicts in the Middle East, North Korea’s weapons buildup, and other factors. The global equity…
  • Wish Lists

    It is the Christmas season and families are exchanging wish lists for Christmas. As a father of 11-year old twins, my view of Christmas lists has been evolving as my kids have been getting older. Gone are the days of Emily and I suggesting “appropriate” ideas that just happen to make it onto their lists…

